Mommy Makeover

3 Oddball Pre-Op Tips before Your Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeover

Woman and child You can probably use your common sense to determine what you should and shouldn’t do directly before your mommy makeover —it’s not a great idea to show up on the day of your operation with a massive hangover, for example. However, there are three less obvious things that can also help your procedure and recovery go smoothly.

  1. Don’t Wear Makeup, Styling Products, Nail Polish or Artificial Nails

    Why not? Well, we might have a fantasy of lying on the operating table looking spectacular, but cosmetics can interfere with the success of the operation. Your nail polish can impede your anesthesiologist’s ability to monitor oxygen levels in your blood. Eye makeup can scatter into your eyes and irritate them, since you won’t be able to blink. Also, certain hair care products are flammable, and that’s definitely a problem neither you nor your surgical team wants.

  2. Buy Plenty of Button-Down Shirts

    Tummy tucks, breast augmentation and body contouring can cause significant soreness, as well as the inability to lift your arms over your head without pain. You’ll want to have lots of shirts and blouses you can take on and off comfortably.

  3. Frozen Vegetables Are Your Friends

    Not only are frozen vegetables are a fantastic source of nutrients that are slow to perish, but they also make wonderful ice packs! You’re going to be sore in many places after your mommy makeover, and you’ll want abundant, malleable cold packs to reduce swelling and ease any discomfort.

The mommy makeover can be an excellent option for getting your pre-baby body back where it belongs. Your surgeon will have a list of pre-op instructions, but these tips will help accelerate your recovery, and get you into shape for that new bikini!

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