Boob Job Do-Over

3 Signs You Could Need Breast Revision Surgery

Woman covering face

Woman covering faceSome women are not satisfied with the results of their breast enhancement surgery or reconstruction and will need a revision procedure to achieve their ideal appearance. Even if you are happy with your results, changes over time also may mean that you will need revision breast surgery at some point in the future. Here are three signs that your breast implants could need an update.

  1. Implants Look Uneven

    Breast asymmetry can occur in women with implants for a number of reasons, including as the result of uneven healing following your initial implant surgery. Even if your breasts are very symmetrical following surgery, over time one of your implants may droop or sag more than the other. Breast revision surgery can correct the appearance of one breast or both to restore a balanced look again.

  2. Visible Malposition

    If your breast implants have shifted to an unusual position, it’s a good sign that you may need revision surgery. Sometimes, implants move too close together, but they could also move too far apart. Implants may also “bottom out” and sit lower on your torso than is aesthetically ideal. With age the natural breast tissue can also droop below the implants giving a so-called double bubble effect.  The surgical pockets containing the implants can be repaired during breast revision surgery to improve the position of the breast implants.

  3. Excessive Firmness

    If your breasts feel too firm or have a squeezed or distorted appearance, you may be experiencing capsular contracture. The body forms scar tissue around implants as part of the normal healing process following breast augmentation. Capsular contracture occurs when the scar tissue is excessive and contracts around the breast implant. If left untreated, this can result in breasts that feel hard, look abnormal and can be painful to the touch. During breast revision surgery, Dr. Halls can remove or revise the scar tissue capsule and replace the affected implants if needed.  A change in implant pocket location, implant texture, or the addition of other layers of tissue can often result in soft natural feeling results.

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