Med Spa

5 Tips for Looking Your Best on Facebook

Woman in gray

Woman in graySocial media can be great for a lot of things like catching up with old friends, sharing interesting articles and growing your network, but it might be a lot less great when it comes to your self-esteem. Thanks to sites like Facebook, you’re under the microscope all the time, and the pressure to always look good can be overwhelming. While it’s important to remember that Facebook presents a skewed positive image of other people (no one ever posts pictures on their bad hair days!), that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t want to look your absolute best. Here are five tips to refresh your appearance, both in real life and in your profile pictures.

  1. Know Your Best Looks

    Is there anything worse than seeing an unflattering photo of yourself pop up on social media? “Is that really what I look like?” you think, horrified. But don’t get too down on yourself—taking flattering pictures is hard! Spend some time in front of the mirror getting to know your facial expressions and good angles. The more you figure out what looks good, the less likely you are to be blindsided by a bad photo.

  2. Take Care of Your Skin

    Smooth skin is a timeless beauty asset, and one that can really make a difference in your pictures and in real life. Be proactive about your complexion by using sunscreen daily, and consider scheduling regular facials or chemical peels. These treatments remove damaged surface skin cells to reveal a smoother overall complexion. Microneedling with SkinPen™, which encourages the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, can also be a great option for improving the overall tone of your skin and seeing long-term complexion benefits.

  3. Laser Skin Resurfacing

    If your skin suffers from sun damage, discoloration or scarring, laser resurfacing can help give your skin the even, glowing tone that looks best in photographs and in person. With laser resurfacing, fractional microbeams penetrate deep into the skin to target and eliminate damaged surface cells, while leaving the surrounding healthy cells intact. This treatment can be a very effective solution to many of your skin imperfections, and could be just what you need to keep your profile pictures looking fresh.

  4. BOTOX®

    For dynamic wrinkles, those little lines that appear when your face is moving, BOTOX® can be an ideal solution. BOTOX® Cosmetic injections are fast and convenient: a session usually takes about 15 minutes and the results last up to four months. When it comes to crow’s feet and frown lines, BOTOX® can be a simple way to give your face a naturally youthful, healthy look.

  5. Dermal Fillers

    If you’re concerned about deeper wrinkles on your face, consider dermal fillers to help smooth out more pronounced lines. With age comes loss of facial volume, and fillers can be an effective way to immediately diminish wrinkles and deep furrows on the face. With the effects lasting between nine months to a year or more, dermal fillers provide a quick, cost-effective solution for looking and feeling younger, not just in your photographs, but in real life too.

    Remember, no one is going to judge your Facebook image as harshly as you do yourself. But why give yourself a reason to judge at all? One or more of these suggestions can help you feel more confident and beautiful, whether on or off Facebook.

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