Skin Care

5 Tips to Get that Summer Glow & Rejuvenate Your Skin


RejuvenateJust because the sun is on hiatus for the winter doesn’t mean you have to accept skin care defeat and live with a dry, dull complexion. Follow these five must-know tips to rejuvenate winter skin for smooth, glowing skin all year-round.

  1. Ditch Your Long, Hot Showers

    As heavenly as they might feel, your long, hot showers are taking a toll on your beautiful skin. For one, they’re contributing to dryness, and two, they’re stripping your skin of its natural oils and protective barrier. Save some water for the fish and reduce your shower time.

  2. Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize

    Most of us experience dry skin in the wintertime because of the low air humidity. Others might notice flare-ups of existing conditions like eczema and psoriasis this time of year.

    To help soothe and heal severely dry skin, you’ve got to up your moisturizing game.

    Here’s a skin care tip: Switch to a heavier moisturizer if you need to, and don’t be afraid to reapply throughout the day.

  3. Take It Easy on Exfoliants

    There are plenty of benefits of exfoliating your skin. But when your skin is dry and irritated, over-exfoliating can make matters worse. Give your skin a break from harsh exfoliants in the winter, especially if it tends to be sensitive.

  4. Don’t Forget about Sunscreen

    It might not feel very sunny out, but the sun’s UV rays are alive and well even in the dead of winter. In fact, those pretty snow-covered hills you’re skiing down can reflect UV rays and cause sun damage and skin cancer just like if you were on a sandy beach.

  5. Pamper Your Skin

    Why not treat your skin to a facial or other skin rejuvenating treatments this winter to help wipe away the winter blues and restore that lovely summer glow?

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