Junk in the Trunk

The 3 Dumbest Things People Believe about Brazilian Butt Lifts

Brazilian Butt Lifts

Toned female bottom Unfortunately, the name “Brazilian butt lift” isn’t particularly self-explanatory, and there are numerous myths circulating about the procedure like… they can only be performed in Brazil. You can only recover by doing the Samba twice a day. Here are some other ridiculous Brazilian Butt Lift misconceptions.

  1. Brazilian Butt Lifts Use Implants

    Okay, so maybe it isn’t stupid to assume that a cosmetic procedure promising to lift and enhance might require implants. But it is nonetheless wrong. The great thing about the Brazilian butt lift is the fact that it doesn’t use silicone implants. The entire procedure not only lifts and augments the buttocks, it contours the body as well, since it is the fat harvested from the patient’s own body.

  2. Brazilian Butt Lifts Use Donated Fat

    Oh, come on! There are very, very few patients who are too skinny to be able to provide fat from some other area of their own bodies. (Those who are probably have things other than butt lifts on their minds.)

  3. Brazilian Butt Lifts Eliminate the Need for Weight Loss

    Every patient should be in good physical condition, and not unhealthily overweight or obese before undergoing BBL. You also want to maintain a stable, healthy weight in order to maintain the results for the longest possible period of time.

Don’t let widespread Internet misconceptions about the Brazilian butt lift poison your impression of the procedure. They are fantastic for dramatic and subtle body sculpting, as well as giving you an exceptionally bootylicious bikini bod to die for.

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