Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery

3 Reasons Honesty Matters in Plastic Surgery

womans body

womans bodyPlastic surgery patients’ hopes can run especially high. This is often because of the promise of dramatic transformation that’s offered by plastic surgery, combined with some people’s tendency to downplay body contouring as major surgery. As a plastic surgeon, it is part of my job to help make sure my patients’ expectations are in line with the reality of their potential results.

  1. Plastic Surgery Is Not a Miracle Cure

    Weight loss must be accomplished at the dinner table and in the gym, not in the operating room. The ideal candidates for liposuction or a tummy tuck are people in good general health who have reasonable expectations of what surgery can accomplish. If you are hoping to wake up from anesthesia having lost significant weight after a tummy tuck, your goal is not in line with what the procedure is all about.

  2. Timing Is Everything

    Not every patient is a good candidate for body contouring at every stage of his or her life. If your weight has significantly decreased and you want to tighten loose skin and abdominal muscles, it may be time to consider a tummy tuck. If you’re a younger mom who thinks she may want to have more kids in the future, an abdominoplasty may not be the best solution for you at this time.

  3. Realistic Expectations Are Essential

    Some body contouring procedures may work better together, and patients should know that more than one surgery may be necessary to reach their cosmetic goals. Only a qualified plastic surgeon can evaluate your unique situation and determine what will best suit your needs. Through honest communication, you and your surgeon can find a treatment plan that can bring out the best in your body.

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